Why is it that the law abiding public get punished and the criminals, scroungers and layabouts get everything on a plate?
My Mum has just had her disabled badge application declined. She paid her renewal fee, went for her assessment and got refused. So it seems having three hip replacements and a bout of pneumonia, walking with a stick forever more, not being able to put your own shoes and socks on and off, being unable to reach the ground or twist, walking no more than 5 minutes without needing a rest and being only able to drive an automatic car doesn't seem to be enough to warrant being allowed a parking space nearer the doors of the supermarket with more room to manoeuvre in and out of the car.
So how is it that someone who builds loft extensions for a living, climbing on scaffolding and up ladders day in day out, can display a disabled badge in his pick up truck whilst he is on a roof to allow him to park in a residents only bay?
And why does it entitle the Mum and Dad who are perfectly fit and healthy at the local school to park their car or work van on the double yellow lines and run their children across the road into the school gates every morning and leave their vehicle in residents bays when at school meetings or performances while the rest find legitimate parking spaces in other roads?
I'm puzzled that someone who has worked their entire life paying taxes into this country and never claimed any benefits of any description can be declined a little something that would make their life that little bit easier when doing the shopping. Yet there are people out there who have claimed everything they can and then are given these privileges no questions asked. All they seem to suffer from is lazyitus or sticky bed syndrome.
How does this encourage anyone to do the right thing? Are we not supposed to set an example to our children? Should we be teaching our future generations that you can have what you want if you lie and deceive at every opportunity? If we don't are they going to get left behind and forgotten about? Left to rot in the gutter whilst the good poker players win.
Is anyone going to stand up for good citizenship and honesty before it's too late?
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