Thursday, 19 January 2012

On family members...

So we all have families. We all have extended families. Whether we like them or not is personal preference. And whether we like other peoples really doesn't matter. What does matter is that we care about each and every member of our family in some way or another.

People treat pets as members of the family too. And so they should. They should be loved and looked after as if they were born to you. Personally I wouldn't have furry pets. I'm not an animal lover, but I wouldn't wish harm on any either. 

There are however some people who, I feel, need parenting lessons when it comes to animal care. 
Would you let your baby poo on the pavement outside someone's house and then proceed to walk away without clearing it up? I would hope not. But there are some who feel it is acceptable to do this with another member of the family, the pet pooch.

I thought dog's were members of the family and so treated with the same care and respect as any other sibling. 
Do I really need to play "dodge the poo" on the way to school? I've counted at least 6 different mess piles in the space of 20 houses to the end of my road. Telling the children to "mind the poo" every few steps is not a fun walk to school. 
If only I knew who the perpetrators of this disgusting act were. I would personally collect up the poo left behind by their incorrigible act of negligence and leave it outside their house on the pavement.

Take a moment to think of the poor council workers who have to come and clear up the offending matter. Why should they have to? We could save money on our council tax by not employing people to do this. Oh, I forgot, it seems my council doesn't anyway, as some of the piles of mess have been there for weeks turning whiter and flakier by the day.

Do people not care about their surroundings anymore? Do they care so little about their neighbours that they are happy for a member of their family to leave faeces outside their house? Come on. You know who you are. Show some consideration, as most dog owners do, for other people and their noses. Take a pride in your surroundings and respect for those who clear up after you.


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