Sunday, 22 January 2012

On Parking Permits 2...

After being rejected for her disabled badge at the renewal this January, Mum took the decision to appeal. She decided she had nothing to lose. Another visit to the council department and another assessment later and she has been granted her badge back.

How can someone's ability to continue with their normal day to day life be in the hands of a variety of people? Some saying yes and others saying no. Where is the consistency in the decision making? Who allows people who do physical jobs like loft conversions and carpet cleaning to have disabled badges? Yet people who are unable to walk properly and never ask for benefits or assistance from the council, have to fight so hard to continue to do their weekly shop on their own. Would the council rather pay for a carer to help with the shopping and take her to appointments? They probably would grant this even though they are supposed to be saving money. Are cases looked at as pieces of paper or actual people? It does make you wonder sometimes.

Should it really be so hard for people to keep their independence and dignity? So in 7 weeks time her new badge will be ready!!!


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